
Showing posts from May, 2020


Purpose What is it? What is it really? Why are we here? I don't get all of these I'm confused I don't even know What I'm doing r ight now I think of nothing Is it important? Is that important? I don't know I don't care I can't find it I can't find the purpose I feel stupid It's better to do nothing No purpose It's better to just die Leaving nothing important 'Cause I ain't important -Yehezkiel A. S., 2020-

I am Stuck

I am Stuck I hate this world Where people are just judging each other Without any praise Just blaming others Oh man how I hate this world This stupid world Where people just care for himself or herself They only care about their feelings No chance to care how other feels Stupid world I hate communicating with people 'Cause they're so egotistical I'd rather lock myself in a room With my books 'Cause books don't judge me And I learn a lot from it Crazy world People just focus on the bad things Instead of the good deeds No matter how many I scored 100 on my tests My peers just focus on the 50's Even my closest friends don't support me Oh world Even though there is still hope in this crazy world I just can't find it I'm stuck with all the negativities Help me I am stuck -Yehezkiel A. S., 2020-

Allusions in Song

Allusions in Song Allusion is an indirect reference to a person, a place, a thing, or an idea of historical, cultural, and literary significance. The author usually uses references that can be understood by the audience, such as an event, a book, a myth, a place, or a work of art. Allusions can help the audience to see unique connections between two ideas.  An example of allusion in song :  3 Doors Down-Kryptonite I watch the world float to the dark side of the moon After all, I knew, it had to be something to do with you I really don't mind what happens now and then As long as you'll be my friend at the end If I go crazy, then will you still call me Superman? If I'm alive and well, will you be there and holding my hand? I'll keep you by my side with my superhuman might Kryptonite It is an allusion to wearing power or strength. Superman was incapacitated with Kryptonite, as it was his weakness. It means that the person is making th