I am Stuck

I am Stuck

I hate this world
Where people are just judging each other
Without any praise
Just blaming others

Oh man how I hate this world
This stupid world
Where people just care for himself or herself
They only care about their feelings
No chance to care how other feels

Stupid world
I hate communicating with people
'Cause they're so egotistical
I'd rather lock myself in a room
With my books
'Cause books don't judge me
And I learn a lot from it

Crazy world
People just focus on the bad things
Instead of the good deeds
No matter how many I scored 100 on my tests
My peers just focus on the 50's
Even my closest friends don't support me

Oh world
Even though there is still hope in this crazy world
I just can't find it
I'm stuck with all the negativities
Help me
I am stuck

-Yehezkiel A. S., 2020-


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