Film Review : Nico's Weg

Film Review : Nico's Weg

If you are trying to find a family-friendly film to learn German for beginners, this film will fit your desire. "Nico's Weg" is a German film made by Deutsche Welle. This film is meant for German language level A1 learners. This film is about a man named Nico from Seville, Spain. Because he wanted to be away from his parents, he decided to go to Germany and meet his aunt, Yara. When he arrived in Germany, he lost his bag. Luckily, at the airport, he met a woman named Lisa and her niece named Emma. Lisa and Emma wanted to help Nico, but there was a problem. Nico didn't understand German well. Therefore, Lisa and Emma were planning to help Nico find his bag and learn German. As the story went on, Nico made new friends, like Sebastian, Nina, Nawin, Selma, etc. 

From this film, I got some interesting German words. An example is the German words for countries around the world, such as Italien (Italy), Japan (Japan), Spanien (Spain), Schweden (Sweden), etc. The words for countries around the world in German are similar to English ones. Another example is the German words for cardinal directions, such as Norden (North), Osten (East), Westen (West), and Süden (South). They are also similar to the English ones. The most interesting German word that I got from the film is the word Ananas, which means pineapple. However, it sounds a lot like bananas. 

My favorite character in this film is the protagonist himself, Nico. Even though he didn't understand German well in the beginning, as the story went on, his German improved rapidly and significantly. He learned one of the hardest languages in the world fast. I really want Nico's ability to master a certain subject rapidly. That would be pretty awesome. 

There is a moral lesson that I learned from this film. I learned that we should help each other. When Nico lost his bag, Lisa and Emma were happy to help him find his bag although Nico was a stranger to them. Nico's friends also helped him learn German fast by talking to him in German for most of the time and giving him German basic vocabulary. They also helped Nico when he was injured while they were playing soccer. In the end, he found his bag and his aunt because of his friends' help and support. 

In my opinion, this film aims to appeal to a wide range of ages. This film doesn't contain inappropriate content for younger viewers. Not only that, the plot of the film is easy to understand. Therefore, I think this film is available for all ages. 


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