TIME BOXING (Giving and Asking Opinion)


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One day, there was a student named Ben. He had been studying in the library for three hours. Suddenly, his friend, Alex, came to him. They started talking about time management. 

Alex: "Hey, good morning, Ben!"
Ben: "Hey, Alex! Actually, it's 12.00 now."
Alex: "Seriously? Wow, I've been in the library for a long time."
Ben: "What are you doing here anyway?"
Alex: "I'm studying physics. I was so focused that I didn't realize that it is 12 o'clock now."
Ben: "Why are you studying physics? The examination is in three weeks."
Alex: "In my experience, good preparation results in a great outcome. Therefore, I should prepare the physics examination from now." (Giving an opinion)
Ben: "I don't think so. Yes, the physics examination is in three weeks. However, the chemistry examination is in two weeks. I think you should prioritize the chemistry examination over the physics one." (Disagreeing with an opinion and Giving an opinion)
Alex: "Of course, I know about it. So, I made a timetable for myself. I'm studying physics now, then at 2 o'clock, I will study chemistry." (Agreeing with an opinion)
Ben: "Ah, I get it. You have managed your time well."
Alex: "Of course. We should manage our time well. What about you? How do you manage your own time?"
Ben: "Well, I don't make any schedule.  I just do what I think I need to do at the moment."
Alex: "For real? In my opinion, you should manage your time better." (Giving an opinion)
Ben: "I agree. I think I have done it the wrong way. I haven't managed my time well. What do you think I should do to manage my time better?" (Agreeing with an opinion and asking for an opinion)
Alex: "Well, firstly, you should make your own timetable. A timetable is very important because you will depend on it every time." (Giving an opinion)
Ben: "Is timetable really that important?"
Alex: "Oh, totally."
Ben: "Okay, what should I do next?" (Asking for an opinion)
Alex: "Well, personally, I just start listing what I should do on that day. After that, I write how long I will do each task." (Giving an opinion)
Ben: "How can you know the time that it takes to do each task?"
Alex: "For the first time I tried this time management technique, I guessed the time it took to do each task. Then, as time went on, I could guess the time better."
Ben: "Oh, I see."
Alex: "Eventually, I put those tasks in the timetable and stick to it."
Ben: "Wow, what an interesting time management technique. Anyway, thank you so much for telling me this technique."
Alex: "No problem. I'm happy to help."
Ben: "Hey, it's almost lunchtime. I think we should eat at the takoyaki store. They have scrumptious takoyaki. What do you think?" (Giving an opinion)
Alex: "That's a great idea. Come on let's eat!" (Agreeing with an opinion)
Ben: "Let's go!"

After a long discussion about time management, they went to a takoyaki store for lunch. 


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