
Showing posts from October, 2020

Recommendation Letter

October 22, 2020 Yehezkiel Austincamry Simangunsong Mathematics Teacher, National Senior High School 3 Bandung 8 Belitung Street Bandung, Indonesia, 40113 To The Nanyang Scholarship Committee,  I am writing this letter to recommend Byan Jauhar Saladin for the Nanyang Scholarship, Nanyang Technological University's foremost undergraduate scholarship. I was his mathematics teacher and have closely followed his academic progress during the past three years.  As a student, Byan Jauhar Saladin demonstrated a love of learning mathematics and the level of dedication necessary to succeed in college and beyond. As a teacher, I am happy to be able to provide this recommendation for such a deserving student. Byan has maintained an A grade average across the board during his study here at National High School 3 Bandung. I have great respect for him and truly believe that he is a deserving candidate that you will be proud to have to represent your college.  Byan has shown his dedication to lear

Can Robot Replace The Educational Roles of Teachers?

When we think of the word “future”, what comes into our mind? Some of us may think of robots. Yes, these days artificial intelligence (AI) has been growing fast. The fear of losing our job to technology has become very real. However, while technology can solve a lot of societal problems, technology has its limits. For example, I personally think that robots cannot replace teachers’ educational roles. Even though robots know a lot more facts than teachers, they don’t have the teaching skills needed in the classroom, while teachers have those skills. It seems that the teacher’s work is simple. They just need to know the topic and talk about it. However, this is not at all the case. Just to tell facts to children is not enough. Children are different from each other. They think differently, understand differently, and are interested in different things. Teachers can’t just tell all of the facts and leave the classroom. They have to try to convey the topic to everyone. They will come up

More About Myself

 More About Myself Hello there! I would like to talk about myself. It is not good to talk about other people, so I am going to talk about myself. There is no problem with that, isn't there? My name is Yehezkiel Austincamry Simangunsong. Yes, I know, my name is super long, but you can call me Kiel (some people call me Austin or Camry and that's okay). I am a student in SMAN 3 Bandung. Many people say that my current school is the best school in West Java, so that's good for me I guess. I am an 11th grader, which means in two years, I am going to study at university. I live in Jatinangor now. My home is very far from my school, which means I have to wake up super early to go to school. However, since we are in pandemic time, it's okay for me to wake up at 6 or 7 AM.  Because I study in SMAN 3 Bandung, I spend most of my time doing assignments and study for exams. I don't have much time to do leisure activities. In my free time, I usually play with my cellphone to watc

Film Review : Nico's Weg

Film Review : Nico's Weg If you are trying to find a family-friendly film to learn German for beginners, this film will fit your desire. "Nico's Weg" is a German film made by Deutsche Welle. This film is meant for German language level A1 learners. This film is about a man named Nico from Seville, Spain. Because he wanted to be away from his parents, he decided to go to Germany and meet his aunt, Yara. When he arrived in Germany, he lost his bag. Luckily, at the airport, he met a woman named Lisa and her niece named Emma. Lisa and Emma wanted to help Nico, but there was a problem. Nico didn't understand German well. Therefore, Lisa and Emma were planning to help Nico find his bag and learn German. As the story went on, Nico made new friends, like Sebastian, Nina, Nawin, Selma, etc.  From this film, I got some interesting German words. An example is the German words for countries around the world, such as Italien (Italy), Japan (Japan), Spanien (Spain), Schweden (S