Recommendation Letter

October 22, 2020

Yehezkiel Austincamry Simangunsong
Mathematics Teacher, National Senior High School 3 Bandung
8 Belitung Street
Bandung, Indonesia, 40113

To The Nanyang Scholarship Committee, 

I am writing this letter to recommend Byan Jauhar Saladin for the Nanyang Scholarship, Nanyang Technological University's foremost undergraduate scholarship. I was his mathematics teacher and have closely followed his academic progress during the past three years. 

As a student, Byan Jauhar Saladin demonstrated a love of learning mathematics and the level of dedication necessary to succeed in college and beyond. As a teacher, I am happy to be able to provide this recommendation for such a deserving student. Byan has maintained an A grade average across the board during his study here at National High School 3 Bandung. I have great respect for him and truly believe that he is a deserving candidate that you will be proud to have to represent your college. 

Byan has shown his dedication to learning mathematics through his work in my classes. He is always determined to solve many mathematical problems all by himself. In addition to having firsthand knowledge of Byan's academic commitment, I am also familiar with his educational goals, as well as the challenges he will face in funding college tuition. I cannot think of anyone more deserving and I wholeheartedly support his application. 

I feel certain that you will be just as impressed with Byan as I am. As an educator who is committed to helping deserving students succeed, I strongly encourage you to consider him for this scholarship. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions that you have and let me know if I can provide any additional information in support of this deserving student. You may reach me at 081223401601 or 

Yehezkiel Austincamry Simangunsong


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