What's My Middle Name?

What's My Middle Name?

It was a good day on Thursday, 26th September 2019. I was picked up by my mom by car at  SMAN 3 Bandung. Then, my mom and I went to  PROSUS INTEN to pick up my older sister because she has been taking course there. Then, my mom asked, "Hey, how about we buy some drinks from Banyu after your sister has finished, Kiel?" Banyu is a place where we can buy drinks. It's near to PROSUS INTEN. Then, I replied, "Sounds great!" Not long after, my sister finished her course. She got into the car and we went to Banyu.

When we arrived at Banyu, I asked my mom and my sister what they wanted to buy. My mom wanted Green Thai Tea and my sister wanted Regal Chocolate. Then, I got out of the car and ordered Ovaltine Chocolate, Green Thai Tea, and Regal Chocolate. After the employee got my order, she asked me, "What's your name, Sir?" When she asked that, I wanted to prank her. So, I said, "My name is Bambang." She didn't give any reaction.

I waited for the order. After 10 minutes, I got the order and got back into the car. I told my mom and my sister what happened. I told them that I pranked the employee by faking my name. Therefore, the name on the drinks is Bambang. My mom and my sister didn't say anything. I was confused why they didn't say anything. Suddenly, my sister asked, "Didn't you realize that you're wearing your uniform? There is your name badge there, Yehezkiel A.S!" I just realized that there was my name badge on my uniform. We laughed really hard in the car. I was so embarrassed. I said in my heart, "I should've told the employee that my name is Yehezkiel Al-Bambang Simangunsong."


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