Do You Think Social Media is Good for Teens?

 Do You Think Social Media is Good for Teens?

Social media is a tool for everyone to access all information, especially for teens. It helps people to discover what’s happening in the world in real-time. Social media originated as a way to interact with friends or family. With social media, everyone can feel connected to each other. 

Social media gives a lot of advantages for teens such as they can increase their creativity by exploring new things or ideas on the platform. Social media can be used by teens to open businesses and generate their own income. They also can start new connections through social media. In many senses, social media helps teens to find common ground with others online.

However, social media has many disadvantages for teens. One of them is cyber-bullying, which is the use of technology to bully others online to hurt them socially and psychologically. Cyberbullying is very dangerous for teens who are still emotionally unstable. Another disadvantage of social media for teens is addiction. Teens who are not mature enough to control his/herself can get addicted to social media because when they are using social media, their brains release dopamine. If dopamine is released frequently, it can lead to addiction. 

In conclusion, social media has many advantages and disadvantages for teens. Thus, teens should be taught by parents and schools to have self-control over social media so that they can use social media to develop themselves and to give positive impacts to the world. 


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